
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Letter to John Key

Dear John Key,
My name is Porscha, I attend Point England School. I'm writing this letter to you because I’m not impressed with the way the Ocean is being treated. Over 1 billion plastic bags are used in New Zealand each year.
I propose that we ban plastic bags, because it’s killing the sea life. Six countries have already banned Plastic Bags.
When plastic bags are thrown into the water, fish & birds think it’s food. By the time they realised it’s not food, they’ve already choked & died.
That is just one of the many reasons I want plastic bags to be banned.
Plastic bags being banned from New Zealand wouldn’t only be environmentally safe, but safer for children as well. It can prevent sea pollution from getting worse and sea life won’t be in danger.
This is also a good idea because, it’ll keep the image of New Zealand being a clean and green country.
For a start, we should increase the price of plastic bags, so hardly anybody will buy them. Then, by 2015 plastic bags will be banned. By then there will already be paper bags. Please ban plastic bags.
Yours sincerely
Pt England School

1 comment:

  1. Hello Porscha! I loved this proposal to ban plastic bags. It makes me proud to see a young lady so concerned with improving the environment. Sea pollution is a serious problem, and it is a great thing that you are choosing to be an activist in the movement to end it. One question that I do have is have you presented this letter to Mr. John Key himself? I am sure he would love to hear your opinion. Your proposal is very well formulated, and I suggest that you consider mailing this letter to him. I am an animal lover, and I would love to see your letter make it to his office. Good luck in your journey to end this issue!


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